It's a great day...
I just heard that song for the first time today. It's very funny, and a good stress reliever. Anyway, on to business. I suppose I should write these things more often, and I will try, but no promises. Let's see what's on my mind tonight... #1. Being broke sucks. Entirely my own fault of course, but doesn't detract from the suckiness value at all. On the plus side, maybe I'll lose some extra weight (because I can't afford food). I really should go out of my way to scrimp and save from now on. I think I'll start some kind of self-incentive program. #2. Terri Schiavo and the Pope are tough cookies. I won't get into my opinion on the Schiavo case or Catholicism, but those two just keep truckin', don't they? It's kind of amazing to me. Not the most shining examples of the capabilities of modern medicine to be sure, but still amazing. #3. Studying, doing homework, and writing papers ahead of time is much, much, much better than waiting till the last minute. Yes, I am the king of all that is procrastination, but it really does feel better to get it all done ahead of time. I should do it more often, and I probably will to a small extent, but it will take some major work to turn it into a habit. #4. It was recently brought to my attention that my previous blog made no mention of the large number of women (but in my opinion, still the minority of women) who are fully independent and not the needy/must have a boyfriend type. My girlfriend is one of those (though I do like to think she needs me), and I know quite a few others. I apologize if my not mentioning you was offensive in any way.
Now that the night's random thoughts are out of the way, on to other things. I love warm weather. There is no therapy in the world quite like those first few warm days of spring... riding down the road in your car with the window down... a good song on the radio. Food and drink taste a little better, your body feels a little better, the air feels fresher, and things just fundamentally feel better. Not that they were bad in the first place, but many of you know exactly what I mean. In this case, the fact that I had golf class today helped even more. :)
I have revised my opinion somewhat on what should be done about "non-mergers". For those of you unfamiliar with this term, let me give you a brief explanation: Non-mergers are those wonderful motorists out there, who despite warnings that begin sometimes five miles down the road of an impending lane merger, decide to stay in the disappearing lane until they physically have no choice but to merge (i.e. their car will run off the road if they don't merge). Invariably, the people who have already merged feel some need to go ahead and let these non-mergers in, which further reinforces them to do it again. Not only is this practice extremely inconvenient to other drivers (anyone who has ever spent and hour or more sitting in traffic because of this single reason will sympathize), but it is also downright rude and inconsiderate. Previously, I suggested (not in this blog, but to certain friends) that highway patrol people should be stationed one mile uproad from the merge, and any motorists who have failed to merge by that point should be shot (not necessarily killed, but painfully injured as a future deterrent). Seeing as that approach is both labor intensive and slightly illegal, I have a new suggestion. In place of the highway patrol, there should be automatic tire spikes for the last mile or so of the lane that is to end. Motion sensors in the lanes would be able to tell when a vehicle was traveling in those particular zones (and emergency vehicles would be able to disable the sensors for their purposes). That way, every time one of those wonderful non-mergers felt inclined to "do his/her thing", they would have to spring for new set of tires. Certainly inconvenient enough to deter me and many other people I know, don't you think?
Well, I feel I've reached the end, and since this is my blog, I'm right.
Until next time...
About Terry Schaivo and the pope- They have both stopped truckin' and now there isn't anything new on the news. It was interesting to me that both cases of interest ended abruptly within the same week.
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