Friday, October 27, 2006

Quick Update

Since I really need to try and get some sleep (in an airport terminal), I'll make this short and go in to more detail later. I have decided that as long as the company Continental Airlines exists, I will never fly with them again. Ever. Period.
I also decided to make this short so as not to upset my anonymous commenting friend who has a propensity to complain about my blogs in which I complain (I know, I know...). This should also make him/her happy since it's obvious that they really really really need attention.
That's all for now.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Yes, I'm still here

So I haven't kept this thing updated like I planned. Sue me. Anyway, on to stuff.
Why do people keep calling me about day shift jobs when they can LOOK at my resume and see I'm in class during the day? Is literacy not part of the management program at most schools anymore? I need a job. I need to pay my credit cards down, build up my savings account, and have rent money for the summer (there's also a couple of miscellaneous expenses I need some money for, but I won't divulge into those). If April comes around and I've still found nothing... I'll wait tables again if I have to.
Sorry this is so short, but I just felt like letting off a little steam.

I'll try and do better next time.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Try to keep up...

First sign of the apocalypse: Some place tells you they don't accept... CASH?!? I mean, I'm a modern type of guy, but WTF? What part of "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private" don't these people get? But, I digress.
So, notably long abscence on my part, and I apologize. My time has been filled with school, work, teaching, and traveling. At this very moment, in fact, I'm waiting for some microbiological media that I'm making for my thesis to cool down in the autoclave (gotta love those free moments).
Interesting wake-up call this morning... Raena's mom. "On my way back from Nashville... heading by Murfreesboro... yada yada yada... wanna eat some breakfast?" Of course I accepted, however uncharacteristic it felt. Good food, though. And, well, good company, too.
I've taught my last lab this semester... and I already miss it. I hope they give me a Micro lab next semester, that would be the highlight of my graduate school tenure. I mean, yes, it's an extremely nerdy thing to hope for, but hey, I'm a nerd. I only got to spend one half of one lab period talking about the kinds of things that I'm getting my Master's degree in. If I get a Micro lab, I'll get an entire semester. That I could DEFINITELY handle.
Med schools sure seem awfully slow these days. I mean, I get a secondary request from all of them (except Vanderbilt), and nobody I know has even gotten a call about an interview yet. I thought WE were the ones who were supposed to procrasitnate, not the other way around.
Christmas is coming. I'll actually have a bit more money this year than I have in past years. Figures, since I have quite a few more people to shop for. Guess it's a good thing I'm gonna be staying in Murfreesboro over the break so I can work a lot of extra hours. Well, and the fact that I'm saving money for another important purchase...
Well, hope that wasn't too branched for all my loyal blog readers out there. I'll try and do better next time (which WILL be much sooner by the way).


Sunday, August 21, 2005


I don't expect all of you to understand this, but this is a favorite song of mine, and goes to show how very ready I am for school to start back.

Time - by Pink Floyd

Ticking away the moments
That make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours
In an off-hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground
In your hometown
Waiting for someone or something
To show you the way.

Tired of lying in the sunshine
Stay at home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long
And there is time to kill today
And then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
Noone told you when to run
You missed the starting gun.

Well you run and you run
To catch up with the sun slowly sinking
Racing around
To come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way
But you're older
Shorter of breath
And one day closer to death.

Every year is getting shorter
Never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught
Or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation
Is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over
Thought I'd something more to say...

Sorry guys, I'll post again soon, but that's just a perfect description of my blah mood.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Personality Traits

I like to think of myself as a selfless person. I spend my money on others when possible, I devote my time to others when possible, and most of the time try to take care of everyone else first. At first, it may seem like a bad way to live, but it's really not that bad. It's very rewarding when you have the personality that I do. In fact, it's one of the main reasons that I want to go into medicine... I want to devote my life to making other peoples' lives better.
However, lately there has been one thing that's somewhat altered this fundamental trait of mine: Raena. I am very selfish when it comes to her. I want her here, and I don't like it when she's gone. But I've been thinking... isn't it good to be a little selfish sometimes? I mean, there's only been one person who ever lived that's been completely selfless, and I'm sure not him. It kinda brings a balance to my life, so in a lot of ways it's been good for me.
Lastly, let me say that I don't feel too bad about being selfish about her. Any person who spent five minutes getting to know what a wonderful and amazing person she is would feel the exact same way. So you see, it's HER fault! :)
I love you, Raena!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Things I've Learned from Star Wars (sort of)

There are such things as the light side and the dark side. However, it's not quite as black and white as the story makes it out to be. There is a massive grey area. And the choices we make do affect our destiny. I also believe we each have destinies (yes, I meant for that to be plural). I don't necessarily think that there is one absolute destiny, but rather several different ones depending on what we do.
I consider myself to be a good person. If I were a Jedi, I'd definitely say I served the light side. However, there are a good number of things that I want and desire that I shouldn't. And these things I can never have. It's not that I physically couldn't obtain them, mind you, but rather that I lack the conscience to do so. Yet I still want them, some of them quite badly. It's just the path I've chosen. I've lived my life in a way that I know I could never have these things, simply because most of them are so bad...
I understand now why we can't "go back" with the knowledge we have now. Though we could make things very very different, it just wouldn't be fair. Not only to ourselves, but to others.
I disagree with the "Jedi" ideal of no emotion. After all, for the Jedi to be the selfless servants that they claim to be intrinsically requires a great deal of emotion: compassion, sympathy, and so on. I personally believe that total lack of emotion is more dangerous.
I'm not sure what inspired me to think of these things, but my thoughts go much deeper than the few ideas and examples given here. If I can manage to put more of these thoughts into words, or if I can word these better, I will post more on the subject.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


I miss...
... that crappy house I grew up in. It was my home.
... my room, with the hardwood floor, the cabinet my dad made me, and my bunk bed that I shared with my brother.
... the old wood furnace/fireplace that didn't work.
... perhaps the ugliest carpet I've ever seen (complete with burn spots that were my fault).
... the exposed water heater.
... no siding, not all of the shingles, no drywall and no floor in parts of the kitchen.
... the shower door.
... the spindles.
... my back yard, the spruce trees, the fire pit, and the tire on the old tree stump.
... the utility room, and going into the attic for my mom.
... riding my bike around the block, until dark, every day.
... going to the shop, helping my dad with cabinets, and being his official trash burner.
... lunches from Easy Shoppe with dad.
... standing over the furnace on cold days with my mom so we could both warm up.
... those old concrete steps that I never was able to bust up with the sledge hammer.
... mowing our yard.
... getting the paper for my neighbors.
... that tree in the front yard (the one that I accidentally mowed down, but didn't die).
... our Christmases.
... family movies on the weekends.
... waiting for thunderstorms to get channel 24.
... having my friends over for the night.
... mom, dad, Courtney, Joe, and me, all in that crappy house.

I miss my home.