Friday, December 02, 2005

Try to keep up...

First sign of the apocalypse: Some place tells you they don't accept... CASH?!? I mean, I'm a modern type of guy, but WTF? What part of "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private" don't these people get? But, I digress.
So, notably long abscence on my part, and I apologize. My time has been filled with school, work, teaching, and traveling. At this very moment, in fact, I'm waiting for some microbiological media that I'm making for my thesis to cool down in the autoclave (gotta love those free moments).
Interesting wake-up call this morning... Raena's mom. "On my way back from Nashville... heading by Murfreesboro... yada yada yada... wanna eat some breakfast?" Of course I accepted, however uncharacteristic it felt. Good food, though. And, well, good company, too.
I've taught my last lab this semester... and I already miss it. I hope they give me a Micro lab next semester, that would be the highlight of my graduate school tenure. I mean, yes, it's an extremely nerdy thing to hope for, but hey, I'm a nerd. I only got to spend one half of one lab period talking about the kinds of things that I'm getting my Master's degree in. If I get a Micro lab, I'll get an entire semester. That I could DEFINITELY handle.
Med schools sure seem awfully slow these days. I mean, I get a secondary request from all of them (except Vanderbilt), and nobody I know has even gotten a call about an interview yet. I thought WE were the ones who were supposed to procrasitnate, not the other way around.
Christmas is coming. I'll actually have a bit more money this year than I have in past years. Figures, since I have quite a few more people to shop for. Guess it's a good thing I'm gonna be staying in Murfreesboro over the break so I can work a lot of extra hours. Well, and the fact that I'm saving money for another important purchase...
Well, hope that wasn't too branched for all my loyal blog readers out there. I'll try and do better next time (which WILL be much sooner by the way).



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