Back in Action!
AHHH!! Nothing like dry, irradiated chicken to fill those late night cravings! So anyway, it's been a while, I know... but hey, I'm back now and that's all that matters. School's going well so far... i'm about 2 weeks behind on my studying (i.e. haven't started yet), but that's gonna get a big change tomorrow. It's a good feeling when that internal, driving motivation that you've been missing for so long (SOOOO long...) finally begins to return. And what's even nicer is when that motivation doesn't stop with school work, but bleeds over into all the other aspects, eating better, getting up off the couch and getting out, NOT procrastinating about day to day tasks... it's a very good feeling, and I've missed it.
I feel like the 'dad' in this apartment. Despite the slob I am so perfectly capable of being, I think I've washed the dishes AT LEAST once a day since school started. I've taken the trash out more over the last two weeks than in the last two years combined. Though my roommates are still younger than I am, they seem to be more mature (mostly). And, it's not the freshman dorm!!! I like my apartment... I like the room, the kitchen, my roommates, just the living situation as a whole. Which could also be a major factor in the generally improved mood I find myself in lately.
I miss Raena. Even after one day, one minute even, of her absence, I wish she were here again. It's still somewhat strange to me just how much of an effect on my mood she has. I feel so happy when I see her, giddy almost. No, not almost, completely. She makes me giddy. But at the same time, I am so comfortable with her. It's a strange combination to be sure, but not an unwelcome one.
Well, that feels like enough for one night, there are other things to be done.